Some fun news...received a call from the owners at Dogs Unite and we're going to be working together in the future. Creating imagery for their site, giving tips and tricks on photographing your pets and giving members cool promotions to take advantage of and who knows what else is in the works over there.
In case you haven't heard of Dogs Unite, it's a brand new social website for dog owners. There are many cool features...blogs, chats, photo and information sharing, groups to join and meet other dog owners...the list goes on. And as more members join and share, it will become a great resource. And best of all, it's FREE!
So, go join Dogs Unite at to stay in the loop and tell your fellow dog owners to join, too...what are you waiting for??
The trips I took with the Humane Society of Tijuana were extremely moving. The images that I posted a week or so ago only touch the surface of what's happening to animals just a few miles south of our border.
The people who are working diligently to keep this organization and its weekend clinics going are extremely generous and selfless...needless to say their commitment is inspiring (I will be posting images of them in a few days).
So, in an effort to help spread the word about what HSTJ is accomplishing and to help define where a monetary donation goes, what a volunteer does and how donated medications and supplies are put to use, I composed a 2 minute video that shows you exactly that.
This compilation of still images clearly represents the living conditions and treatment of pets in one of the poorest areas of Tijuana and HSTJ is working to educate owners, conduct spay and neuter clinics, treat injuries and rid these animals of parasites to better their lives.
All I ask is that you send this to a friend, and please ask that friend to send to someone else and so on, and so on.
If you would like to donate, please contact Michelle at or visit
For those of you reading this via email, you will need to visit the blog directly to view the video. Click here
Feel free to leave your comments and thoughts
Here are some details about the movie: -Images taken by Bryan N. Miller -Music composed by Bryan N. Miller -Statistics taken from the Humane Society of Tijuana press releases
The Humane Society of Tijuana treats animals by setting up mash clinics in some of the poorest neighborhoods of Tijuana. This clinic was in Neuva Aurora, not more than 15minutes south of the San Diego border.
I'll be pulling together a complete image-story, but in the meantime will be posting images from the event.
As I continue to work my way through the images from the Solis wedding, I'll be posting images and updates on my new wedding blog here's a quick page from the upcoming book.
It's been too long since my last post...but I've been pretty busy.
Along with teaming up with Friends Humane Society of Tijuanalast month, shooting headshots for Altitude Realty, I also spent this past weekend in Ventura photographing the wedding of Adam and Vanessa.
Below are just a few photos from the wedding and I'll be posting more along with additional images from events last month...including details of the partnership with FHSTJ, which I'm very excite about.
Hope you enjoy the images and as always, if you like what you see...pass it on to a friend. Bryan *click images for larger versions
I've spent the past few weeks pulling together a book, completed with images from some of my recent photo shoots. It would be fantastic to get some feedback from everyone on how this looks.
We have such a difficult time discussing race in this country...maybe it's about time we applaud a man that can bring a delicate issue to the forefront and discuss it so eloquently and with such intelligence.
Maybe we will elect a man that could lead us past our most unspoken hurdle?
If nothing else, I applaud him for addressing all Americans as if we have we actually have intelligence.
Well, this isn't pet related; but it is family related. My good friend Tom and his wife Angie had a baby late last year. He was scheduled to be born around Christmas, however due to some complications he was born way premature, in late October.
Getting stronger and stronger, he's finally moved home and for the past 3 months he's been doing remarkably well! I went to meet him for the first time and of course took a million photos. Here are a few. And you can learn more about Cole's story in Tom's Blog...
So, we adopted a 2 year old Doberman! She was a rescue from the local animal shelter. She had been neglected and as a result is very shy. Even though she looks tough, she wouldn't hurt a fly.
Haven't had enough time to take a lot of photos, but here's one from a walk in the park on a beautiful San Diego afternoon...and one while hanging around the house.
I'm a photographer based in San Diego, California and loving every minute.
I'm available for 2nd shooting and/or associate opportunities. Please send me an email if you would like to get in touch about my availability. Thanks!!